College Applications: How to Conquer Them!


The time has come for seniors to embark on this journey of self-evaluation and, for those of you who haven’t yet decided on a college, self-realization. It is college application season Blackhawks, and you know what that means: you need to write essays, submit test scores and beg your favorite teacher to write you a letter of recommendation. But don’t fear! I’ll be letting you know some of the best tips and things to know when going into application szn this year. 

Make this Hot Girl Summer a Hot Girl Semester by getting ahead on all your apps! If you haven’t started yet, start now! By the time you’re reading this, it will already be October. The sooner you start, the more time you’ll have to look over essay prompts and begin formulating your answers. 

The next big tip is to be aware of any and all deadlines. Do this by keeping a spreadsheet full of school info and deadlines just so it is all in one place. Your life will seem more manageable by seeing what needs to be done for each school and when it needs to be done by. Don’t let the deadlines pass you by.

One of the most important things to do next is to fill out your FAFSA and financial aid applications as soon as they are available! It’s a big ol’ app that deserves all of your attention as soon as it is released.

In the end, you have the power to be as successful in this process as you want to be…well…to an extent. If you don’t get into your dream school because your GPA flopped Junior year, then that’s on you, Mary.

Illustration by Karen Benavides