Editor Hello: Mariana Escatell

Mariana Escatell, Editor-in-Chief

Welcome back to school, much appreciated Hawkview readers (the three of you that there are). For those of you who are just opening up an issue for the first time, shame on you!! *beauty pageant contestant voice* Think of the children, read the paper!!! I am this year’s editor-in-chief, the one and only, Mariana Escatell!!!

New school year, new newspaper. And by new, I mean the same exact thing, but with my very own flare to it. We will be covering all the same stories, give or take, due to some… obligations, but the Hawkview staff covers them wholeheartedly nonetheless.

This year, I want to take the newspaper to *Future voice* a new level. I want to cover a lot more local events, such as smaller art shows, and music events that people ACTUALLY care about.

The 2017-2018 newspaper will live, breathe, and puke fun events.  So try not to become too sleep deprived, remember to eat a filling and nutritious breakfast every morning, and read the best high school newspaper, not only in the valley but in the world!!!!!!

All jokes aside, I really hope you all enjoy the newspaper this year! Even if you just skim through it, we appreciate everyone who takes 10 minutes out of their day to read the FANTASTIC newspaper!!