Editor Hello: Bailey Franklin

Bailey Franklin, Editor-in-Chief

HEYO BLACKHAWKS! This is your new co-editor-in-chief, Bailey Franklin, for the Hawkview newspaper. Along with the rest of our editors and reporters, I am ecstatic to be assisting the hard-working Mariana Escatell.

We will be providing you with not just our physical copies this 2017-2018 school year, but also this crazy new thing called a website (WOAH, AMIRITE)!  Our aim this year is to not only have more Hawkview readers but also to digitize our newspaper and finally catch up with the rest of our world.

Our website, lqhawkview.com, will be up and running with the release of our first issue and will have extended versions of our stories, along with updated sports scores, and morning announcements.

We’ll be covering all types of school events, so be sure to check us out!! Let’s make this year a good one, Blackhawks!