Festival Do’s and Don’ts

Whether you’ve attended hundreds of festivals or are about to embark on your first fest, there are always questions about how to make the most of your festival experience. What should you wear? Should you go celebrity hunting? Should you take social media breaks to update every second of your day?

  • DO: Get beauty sleep the night before. You’ll be up late watching the headliners and having fun and the last thing you want is to be yawning all night. Plus, you may run into Vanessa Hudgens and you don’t want bags under your eyes when you take a picture with her.
  • DON’T: Go celebrity stalking. If you run into a celeb, cool. Take a discreet pic. Don’t try to figure out where they’re staying or where they’re hanging out.
  • DO: Dress accordingly to the weather. You don’t want to be that one person that passes out because of the heat and misses a band’s set — or worse, passes out during their set.
  • DON’T: Put your phone in your back pocket. It can be easily stolen and it can accidentally fall out of your pocket during a band’s set.
  • DO: Bring a refillable water bottle. Who wants to pay $7 for a water bottle each time they’re thirsty? There are refillable water bottle stations around the festival; save yourself some money by bringing a water bottle.
  • DON’T: Go alone. Safety is the number one priority. Go with a friend to be safe and to have a better time.
  • DO: Take cute pictures. When at a festival, take advantage of the cool scenery and art pieces by taking Instagram-worthy pictures.
  • DO: Bring a portable charger. You don’t want your phone to run out of battery during your favorite band’s set.
  • DON’T: Spend too much time on your phone. Live in the moment! You don’t want to remember a festival through Snapchat or Instagram; you want to remember the memories you made.