Martin Luther at LQ


Photo courtesy of Ms. Becker

Ms. Becker’s fourth period World History class dressed up at Martin Luther.

On Friday, October 20, my World History Honors students dressed up as Martin Luther.  This year marks the 500 year anniversary of Luther’s protest of the Catholic Church, and he nailed his complaints (better known as the Ninety-Five Theses) against the Church to the doors of the church in his hometown in Germany. This became the cornerstone of the Reformation.  

Luther was a courageous man. His main complaint was about indulgences or the selling of forgiveness for sins. The church had a list of sins and their “value” for forgiveness in the form of money. Much of their wealth came from the selling of indulgences. During a time when the church would excommunicate, or even execute, those who spoke against its practices, Martin Luther’s actions prompted a change in the Catholic Church. His actions also paved the way for the formation of Protestant religions: Calvinism, Presbyterians, and, of course, Lutherans.

Luther actually nailed his 95 Theses on October 31, but we decided “Black Out” day [during rivalry week] was a good alternative.  

Yes, I did give them some extra credit, but I’ve waited 500 years to do it!